There are companys out there that take your dollars for improved clutching and say their shit is it!! well I will personally have to say that I waited and put some miles on my machine first! 4000 to be exact! then went to the bench with James on the 12 and 13 wildcat clutches (the first 2 year models of the wet clutch) and he did some observation of the belt lines highs and lows along with RPM and distance,the weights were changed and the improvement was nite and day difference,it now hits quite like the X does from the factory! so if any of you members on here have friends with the wildcat,let them know of JBS Wildcat clutching and this can be done for less than $200.00,where as if they try the others as I have read,and spend hundreds of dollars,they end up with a blower housing full of scrap parts and paper weights,call JBS For wildcat clutching!
I am super pleased with the results